Post-doctoral researcher position opening within the MORPHO project

The PIMM (Processing and EngIneering in Mechanics and Materials) and DYSCO (Dynamics Structures Systems and Control) teams of the engineering school Arts et Métiers – ParisTech (ENSAM) invite qualified candidates to apply for the position of post-doctoral researcher within the MORPHO H2020 research & innovation project, lead by them. Title: Hybrid twin concept to Structural […]

MORPHO present at Ecomondo, the Green Technology Expo

The MORPHO project participated in Ecomondo, one of the benchmark events in Europe for technological and industrial innovation. This international event aims to bring together projects on circular economy and sustainability in a shared space: The Rimini Expo Centre, located in Italy. From 26 to 29 October, the 24th physical edition of the expo reunited […]

MORPHO’s Consortium Meeting at FEUGA

  On 6 and 7 October, partners from the Consortium and members of the Advisory Board had a face-to-face meeting on Santiago de Compostela, hosted by FEUGA, with the possibility to assist online for those who could not attend in person. These two sessions were aimed at sharing all the work done so far by […]

Morpho has taken part in the 11th EASN International Conference

The 11th International Conference of the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) was developed under the title: “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens”, and it was held, in an online format, from the 1st until the 3rd of September 2021. The Morpho H2020 project was presented within this conference in […]

MORPHO present at the EU Green Week partner event “Circular aviation for green growth”

On the 8th of June, MORPHO participated in the “Circular aviation for green growth” online event organized by the project SUSTAINair in the frame of the European Green Week 2021 dedicated to “Zero pollution for healthier people & planet” to raise awareness about the circular economy solutions within the aviation ecosystem. Project coordinator, Nazih Mechbal, […]

MORPHO: an EU-funded project to develop a new generation of aeronautical structures

Financed by Horizon 2020, the project aims to develop intelligent, multifunctional & multi-material structures such as fan blades The consortium composed of 10 European entities and led by ENSAM will work together from April 2021 until September 2024 June 2021. MORPHO “Manufacturing, Overhaul, Repair for Prognosis Health Overreach” aims to, design, develop, test and validate […]