The PIMM (Processing and EngIneering in Mechanics and Materials) and DYSCO (Dynamics Structures Systems and Control) teams of the engineering school Arts et Métiers – ParisTech (ENSAM) invite qualified candidates to apply for the position of post-doctoral researcher within the MORPHO H2020 research & innovation project, lead by them.
Title: Hybrid twin concept to Structural Health Monitoring of smart multi-material structures
Starting date: 1st semester 2022
Duration: 18-24 months
Objectives and research work:
The PostDoc candidate will be in charge of developing a hybrid twins platform merging physics-based and data-driven models for monitoring the in-service life of a smart fan blade.
Among the main objectives of the position, we highlight the following:
• To elaborate an interactive hybrid twin platform allowing to provide feedback regarding specifications, to assess the smart fan blade performances.
• To develop specific SHM algorithms from damage detection to RUL prediction based on the transfer learning method.
• To quantify smart fan blade performances within the aircraft engine and its environment by
developing a reduced parametric smart fan blade model that will be included in complex system simulation tools.
Candidate profile
Applicants for the post-doctoral researcher position should hold a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a Signal processing, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, or Machine learning component. Also, candidates with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing, or Machine Learning with links with the field of Mechanical Engineering are welcome. A demonstrable interest in numerical activities and industrial project management is expected!
Click here for more information on applying for this position!