On 4th november, the MORPHO Project held its first of three online workshops showcasing “Innovations in sensor technologies for advanced composites manufacturing”. Expert speakers presented the work and advancements achieved by consortium members in smart manufacturing.
Welcome and first words were given by Nikos Pantelelis, Director at Synthesites, and Simon Waite, Senior Expert at the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), who served as chairs for the workshop.
Development and Application of Fiber Optical Sensors for RTM and SHM
This presentation, made by Vladislav Reimer, Scientific Project Manager at FiSens, explores the development and application of fiber optical sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), specifically designed for Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). It highlights how these sensors enable and enhance real-time monitoring of resin flow during RTM, while also providing crucial data for assessing the structural integrity of components. The integration of fiber optical sensors aims to improve manufacturing efficiency and product qualityand increase long-term reliability in composite materials.
Integration of FBG Sensors in CFRP RTM Parts and Data Analysis for Resin Flow Monitoring
This presentation, made by Andreas Krenz, Research Scientist at Fraunhofer IFAM, introduces a real-time monitoring system for Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) using embedded Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) preforms, tailored for aerospace applications like turbine blades. These FBG sensors enable real-time tracking of resin flow and temperature, using a novel method to accurately detect and analyze the resin flow front—critical for ensuring part integrity.
Printing of Sensors on Composite Components for Aerospace Applications
This presentation, made by Ingo Wirth, Project Manager, Functional Printing at Fraunhofer IFAM, presents how the aviation industry increasingly demands Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) for carbon fiber reinforced composites (CFRP) due to their favorable stiffness-to-weight ratio. A significant challenge is integrating smart sensors into these lightweight structures without affecting their mechanical properties. This presentation introduces the use of innovative printing technologies to embed sensors directly into composite components. Specifically, piezoelectric (PZT) and temperature sensors were integrated onto aeronautical CFRP parts using screen printing and Aerosol Jet printing techniques.
Intelligent and Reliable Monitoring for Composites Moulding
This presentation, made by Nikos Pantelelis, Director at Synthesites, showcases Synthesites’ advanced sensor technology embedded in composite moulds, developed under the Morpho project. The system enables real-time monitoring of resin flow, viscosity, and curing processes, optimizing cycle times and ensuring consistent product quality.
Hybrid twin for online monitoring of the Resin Transfer Molding process
This presentation, made by Eric Monteiro, Associate professor at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, displays that the Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) process is widely used for manufacturing composite parts in aeronautic but is still not robust. One objective of the MORPHO project is to develop a strategy to optimise in real-time the RTM process. To do so, new sensors have been developed as well as new hybrid model of the process. This model combines a reduced multiphysics finite element model and a data-driven ignorance model to predict in real-time the resin flow front position.