FEUGA, as the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) manager, oversees identify, manage and analyze the approach for IPR protection of the innovations generated during the MORPHO project.
With the main objective of correctly allow the commercial exploitation of the MORPHO results, efficient Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management is considered a key issue.
IP management cover several topics from giving support to project partners issues and doubts related with the results ownership, their rights and confidentiality obligations, rules related to ownership and tools to design a proper strategy to protect and disseminate their research always under agreement with the rules set on the Consortium Agreement (CA).
With this focus in mind, actions focused to evaluate the state of the art in terms of IP of the potential new results obtained within the project will be also covered contributing to design a clear exploitation strategy as well as to contribute to increase impact and results technology transfer to the society.
Why is it important to consider IP in EU projects?
IP and exploitation of results issues are key points regarding impact and feasibility of the project proposal. In general terms in order to take to market results of research and development activities require additional investments, which is appealing if the results are well-protected through intellectual property. A properly managing IP in the projects helps partners to avoid future conflicts among the Consortium in terms of ownership, rights and obligations.
With the aim of valuating IP properly there are several factors to consider: how much of a competitive advantage the new results bring its owner, state of the art in terms of IP, how will the IP be used, what are the risks for others challenging the IP, size and potential market, among others. Due to this to count with a specific team member able to manage IPR related content is critically important since its contribution not only will be focus on valorize such results but also to contribute to design an effective strategy for the definition a suitable business plan, creating synergies, finding blocking competitors and potential partners as well as for evaluating the currently sector trends.
Therefore, a reliable and consistent IP management will be strategically important in order to design the better suitable commercial or industrially exploitation strategy for the project results.
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