The 11th International Conference of the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) was developed under the title: “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens”, and it was held, in an online format, from the 1st until the 3rd of September 2021.
The Morpho H2020 project was presented within this conference in a joint session, entitled “Next-generation multifunctional & intelligent airframe & engine parts: manufacturing, maintenance, recycling”, where the projects DOMMINIO and SUSTAINair were also introduced. All three projects are still at the beginning of their missions and therefore they did not display results but rather objectives and their methodology to pursue them. Each project had 20 minutes to be presented after which an open discussion on the challenges of the next generation multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts was held for 30 minutes.
Konstantinos Tserpes, associate Professor at the University of Patras, gave also a presentation linked to the research they are conducting within the MORPHO project under the title “Towards simulation of disassembly of bonded composite parts using the laser shock technique”.
In this conference, the different participating projects have had the opportunity to establish cooperation links that will help them through all the stages of their development. They have been able to exchange expectations, challenges, and new approaches to address the topic of the conference as well as the sustainability of the sector.