Today we celebrate Aviation Maintenance Technician Day in honor of those who keep our skies safe! This international Day recognizes the efforts of aviation maintenance professionals as well as the achievements of Charles Edward Taylor, the man who built the engine used to power the airplane of the Wright Brothers. The date was selected to honor the birth date of Taylor, known as the “Father of Aircraft Maintenance.”
Things have changed a lot since that first engine, who would have thought that one-day engine components could be smart and sustainable? That is what MORPHO does with the engine fan blades it develops with cognitive capabilities, such as self-diagnosis to optimize their life cycle management, thanks to the embeddedness of Structural Health Monitoring sensors into composite parts. In terms of technical maintenance, these developments have a strong impact on reducing repetitive maintenance work, making it smarter and allowing better detection of defects.
If you want to know more about MORPHO’s contribution to innovation in aviation, click here. For remembering or discovering how Taylor’s engine was and comparing it with today’s components, click here.
The world of aircraft is an exciting aspect of human history towards the skies. If we didn’t have our mechanics working behind the scenes, then flight wouldn’t have become as popular as it has in the past century. Every time you step on a plane, every time you buy a ticket, every time you arrive safely, you have an aviation technician to thank. Use this day to do so, while you learn about aviation history and present or spread the word with the hashtag #AviationMaintenanceTechnicianDay to show your appreciation for their contribution to the modern world and flight possibilities.