Morpho Mid-Term Conference Unites with ICCBMA: Pioneering Advances in Aerospace Maintenance Technology

Morpho is delighted to unveil an exciting development for the second edition of the International Conference on Condition-Based Maintenance in Aerospace (ICCBMA). The mid-term conference by Morpho will now be an integral part of ICCBMA, enriching the event and amplifying its impact in the realm of aerospace maintenance technology.

A Unified Platform for Advancement:

As we gear up for the second edition of ICCBMA in Paris from September 11 to 13, 2024, Morpho’s mid-term conference will seamlessly merge with ICCBMA. This collaboration aims to create a unified and comprehensive platform for sharing insights, fostering collaboration, and advancing the field of condition-based maintenance in aerospace.

Enhanced Opportunities for Networking and Knowledge Exchange:

The integration of Morpho’s mid-term conference within ICCBMA ensures a more enriched experience for participants. Attendees can now benefit from a broader spectrum of topics, diverse perspectives, and increased opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange.

Call for Abstracts: Elevate Your Contribution:

Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts covering various CBM topics, such as Prognostics and Health Management, Structural Health Monitoring, Reliability and Safety, IT Enablers, and Fleet Availability Management. This collaborative endeavor seeks to bridge the gap between laboratory research and industrial implementation in aerospace maintenance.

Key Dates to Remember:

  • Abstract Due: May 1st, 2024
  • Abstract Acceptance: May 15th, 2024
  • Special Sessions Due: March 1st, 2024
  • Special Sessions Acceptance: March 15th, 2024

Conference Details and Registration:

For comprehensive details on the joint conference, submission guidelines, and registration information, please visit the official ICCBMA website:

Four confirmed plenary talks featuring esteemed speakers:

    • Pr Charbel FARHAT: “Physics-Based Digital Twinning for Structural Health Monitoring”
    • Dohy HONG: “CBM perspective for Safran”
    • Dr. Fu-Kuo Chang: “Structural Health Monitoring for Condition-Based Maintenance”
    • Sylvain Autin: “PHM perspective for Goodrich Actuation Systems France”

The gala dinner will be held on Thursday, September 12, at the Foyer Palace of the Théâtre Mogador in Paris.

Join Us for a Unified Vision in Paris!

Morpho extends a warm invitation to all stakeholders, researchers, and industry experts to join this collaborative venture. Be part of the unified vision shaping the future of aerospace maintenance technology at ICCBMA 2024 in Paris!

See you in Paris!