Manufacturing next generation multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts
•The main concept of MORPHO is to promote industrially the deployment of smart structures using on-board sensors
and digital/hybrid twins approaches to provide aeronautical structures cognitive capabilities allowing them to
manage and assess their entire life cycle.
From manufacturing optimization to monitoring of present and future health state during service till disassembling,
MORPHO solution relies on a digitally printed and embedded sensor network to monitor and optimize the entire
life cycle of an intelligent structure, namely a FOD panel representative of a smart fan blade. In order to reach this
goal, the project will stretch the limits of several technologies and integrate them together.

New manufacturing paradigm shift with enhanced ecological maintenance and recycling characteristics
• MORPHO consortium is aware of the importance of being environmentally friendly during all the life cycle management of the multifunctional fan blade. Indeed, aspect related to the process integration of sensing technology in composite structure such as coating, adhesive, circuit element will be managed in the sense of REACh compliance. Furthermore, disassembling and recycling of the developed sensors and materials devoted to the proof of concept will also be addressed with an emphasis on circular economy.

New/updated technologies that will offer a competitive advantage of European MROs.
• MORPHO project will push on technologies related to maintenance to demonstrate under industrial constraints that the concept of smart structure can be implemented in practice.

Maintaining and extending European industrial leadership.
• MORPHO has an ambition to apply for 5 patents covering the different
area of the addressed eLCM: innovative manufacturing, process monitoring, embedded sensor, structural health monitoring, recycling of hybrid materials, and LCM application to aerofoils.

Pushing forward knowledge and innovation in the areas of the project
• The MORPHO consortium plans to publish more than 10 papers in scientific journals and around 20 presentations in conferences cross the following scientific areas: innovative manufacturing, sensor technology, numerical simulation, bonded structures, hybrid twin, prognostics and health monitoring, structural health monitoring, lased disassembly and recycling of multilaterals.